Monarch’s and More

This section for miscellaneous things that have happened over the years – and are stories worth telling.

For example, shortly after we moved into our house in October of 2000 we noticed a lot of Monarch butterflies – maybe 50 or so – feeding on a plant in the middle of our front yard.  They were gone by February or so. 

The next year the same. Then the next year there were thousands and thousands flying over our house and roosting in a nearby Eucalyptus grove. Then the next year returned to the 50 or so.

Some years the 50 or so, some years a lot more.  Then in 2016 – more than 10,000 showed up.  Why?  I am not an expert, and the fact that they landed here doesn’t make me one.  But my goodness they are beautiful.  So one of these sub-pages are devoted to Monarch butterflies.


The Shades of LA Project is one very close to my heart.  I loved being part of it.